Compassion in Jesus's Name

Image Step Forward

1/5/2025 - 1/26/2025


Following Jesus is not simply a “one and done” decision. It is a big decision filled with many tiny choices throughout each day. This four-week series looks at some of the important steps we take while following Jesus. Everyone has a next step.

Image Holy Night



For thousands of years the world lived each day in hopelessness, shame, sadness, and isolation. And then one holy night in Bethlehem changed everything. The coming of a child brought a turning of a people toward hope, peace, joy, and love. Can the same turning happen for us today?

Image From This Day Forward



Marriage was God's idea. God started the physical family in the Garden and the rules for having a great marriage have not changed since then. We believe that if we follow God's road map, then marriages can flourish.

Image Rooted Relationships



What does it mean to be committed to my church? Commitment is much more than just attendance on Sundays. It involves engaging in work that magnifies the name of Jesus Christ and expands His kingdom. This is the most important work you can ever be involved in and the only work that will have lasting effects for eternity. Only the church can share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Join us Sundays at 10:00 AM to learn what you can do for the kingdom.

Image Hidden Figures

8/11/2024 - 9/15/2024


This six-week series explores the stories of six women in Jesus’ life and genealogy, revealing the various ways they have been misunderstood or marginalized. Genesis tells us "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 NIV God never pretends that men and women are the same, but Scripture is clear that He valued both equally. The apostles did not learn the value of women from their culture. They learned it from their Master, Jesus. And Jesus treated women with the same love and respect with which He treated men. In this series, we will learn that Jesus sees and values every person, even if society does not.

Image Fresh Faith

5/12/2024 - 6/9/2024


For some reason it doesn't take long for the people of God to forget what He has done for them. When we get to the book of Malachi, God's people have returned from exile in Babylon, rebuilt the temple and the city wall of Jerusalem, but life isn't what they expected it to be. What did they do? They turned their backs on God. God sent Malachi to tell them that it is time to return to Him.

Image Asking For A Friend

4/7/2024 - 4/21/2024


In this series, we are going to tackle some significant questions: If Christians really love Jesus, why is there so much hurt in the church? How can we trust the Bible? What’s the relationship between faith and science? Is abortion wrong? There are no easy answers, but Scripture helps us work through these tough issues with wisdom, grace, and intelligence.

Image Why I Believe



Image Wolves

3/3/2024 - 3/24/2024


Jesus warned us in Matthew 7:15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." Jesus said to pay attention because the false teachers were coming. When we come to the small book of Jude in the New Testament, Jude tells us in no uncertain terms that the false teachers are here. Two thousand years ago, Jude exhorted Christians "to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people." That means that the Christian life is a battlefield, not a playground, and we had better be ready for the fight.

Image Guest Speaker Terry Washburn



Image Don't Be That Guy

1/7/2024 - 2/18/2024


The writer of Proverbs doesn't have anything good to say about a fool. A fool despises wisdom, refuses to speak the truth, refuses to work hard, and avoids spending time with God and with God's people. According to Solomon, foolish people end up living foolish, disastrous lives. If you've ever done foolish things in the past and you want to avoid those things in the future, this series is for you. God's Word offers us everything we could ever need to live a life of godliness and wisdom.

Image Comfort and Joy



Image Silence



Image What Does God Want From Me?



Image Ephesians: From Death To Life



Image Genesis



A person's stance on origins is important because Genesis is the foundation for the rest of the Bible. Genesis 1:1 states: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." What you believe about this statement will impact everything you believe about the rest of Scripture. The Bible clearly teaches that God is, always was, and will always be Almighty over all.

Image And She Laughs



Image By Whose Authority



Image Family Worship



Image The Lost Parables of Jesus



Using Jesus's parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son from Luke 15, this series illustrates how the heart of God is to diligently pursue the lost. By understanding God's heart for sinners, and His unbridled joy for a lost one who has been found, we begin to comprehend what God expects from us toward those who are far from Him.

Image PPM 365



Image Psalm 23: I Shall Not Want



What does the Bible mean when it says "the Lord is my shepherd?"

In our brand new series, Psalm 23: I Shall Not Want, we will spend several weeks looking at different aspects of God as our Shepherd, and what it means to give all of our life over to His care and control.

Image Family Worship




Image Jonathan: A Servant's Heart



Image TXT



The Bible is so much more than an ancient book with ancient stories and rules from the past. It is alive and active and God has a message from it for you today.


Image Do Not Be Afraid




Image Christmas Celebration




Image Fear Not What God Is Asking You To Do




Image Remember




Image When Relationships Break Down




Image What's The Big Deal?




Image Authority and the Christian




Image What To Do When You're Overwhelmed




Image A Life Of Prayer




Image What To Do When You Failed




Image What To Do When...You've Drifted From God




Image Life From God's Perspective




Image What Does God Expect?




Image Is Jesus Enough?




Image Called



Have you ever missed a call from someone? I do it all the time. What do you do when you see the notification "missed call"? You call them back. If you have ever wondered what God wants you to do with your life, this new sermon series is for you. We are going to spend several weeks unpacking what it means to be called by God.


Image Just In Case




Image Reflections of a Radical




Image For Such A Time As This




Image Why Did Jesus Rise?




Image When Life Is Uncertain




Image Goliath Must Fall



Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10 Jesus didn't come to earth to die on the cross and be resurrected so that we could live a mediocre life apart from God. Jesus intended for us to really live. That kind of life starts with seeing and believing that whatever giant we're battling might be big, but it is not bigger than Jesus. Jesus wants to set you free, but there is a process that you must follow.


Image The Sin Of Pride




Image God Will Meet Your Needs



In 2022, I believe that God wants New Lifers to work on the foundation of their spiritual lives. If the foundation is weak, then when the storms come your life will fall apart. Storms are coming whether you are prepared for them or not. Why not make the choice right now to be a part of something that is going to last forever? In this series, we will discover from God's Word that the church is not some place where I simply attend. The church is a spiritual family to which I belong.


Image First Things First




Image Pain To Purpose


God has not abandoned you--He has promised never to leave you or forsake you. Instead of preventing pain from coming into your life, God has promised to walk with you through your suffering. In this series, we will begin to look at your circumstances from above them rather than buried beneath them. And we will discover that God always has a purpose for your pain.


Image Family Worship




Image CONTENTMENT: A Spiritual Battle




Image BUT GOD - When God Intervenes




Image Counter Attack



If you've ever felt stuck in your spiritual life...
If you're prayers sometimes seem powerless...
If you struggle to resist temptation, then you need to learn how to mount a Counter Attack. Whether it is marital struggles, financial pressures, or the pain of your past, the enemy of God wants to keep you discouraged and defeated. In this series we will learn how to climb out of the swamp of sin and fight back with God's supernatural power.


Image World Changers




Image Altar Ego

5/16/2021 - 5/23/2021


If you struggle with things like inadequacy, low self esteem anger, and being offended, then it is time to exchange these feelings for the grace and love of Christ. How do we discover our true identity? By coming to the altar of God and laying down who we think we are so that we can accept who God says we are.


Image Family Worship: The Bride of Christ




Image Offended

5/2/2021 - 5/9/2021


Offended--some things should offend us and other things shouldn't. How do we know which is which?


Image Deception And The Christian




Image Will You Marry Me?




Image Judas




Image Bystander


Christianity is based on evidence from eyewitness testimony. John records for us what he saw, what he heard, and what he had even touched as he followed Jesus around Israel for three years. John reminds us that the supernatural feats of Jesus are not just random acts of kindness meant to help and inspire people. They are signs that give evidence for who Jesus is--the Son of God.


Image Football Sunday 2021




Image Habits



Your future self is a result of the decisions you make each day. A few small habits can change the trajectory of your life for 2021 and beyond.


Image Come To Worship



In the book of Psalms, seven different Hebrew words are translated into the single English word "praise." Each word represents a different aspect of what it means to praise and worship God.


Image Family Worship: The Log In Your Eye




Image The Root Of Bitterness




Image From This Day Forward



If you are tired of watching marriages crumble, this series is for you. We will look at five commitments from the Bible that will guarantee that your marriage will last. Join us as we fight as the destructive forces of hell try to destroy marriages and families. Let's all make these five commitments to fail-proof our marriages!


Image Night Of Worship




Image Goodness Of God




Image How Committed Are You?




Image Shadow Mission




Image If Money Talked


Let's talk about money! Who's in? Wait . . . where are you going? No matter how good or bad your relationship with money may be, personal finances are tough to talk about. So, in the new series starting Sunday, we're letting money do the talking. If you're willing to listen, it may be what changes the way you spend, save, and see your money—for good. Join us Sundays at 10:00 A.M. Our campus is open and we are having children's church. All children and workers will be screened for fever before entering classrooms.




Image Family Worship




Image Mission: Palestine



Doug interviews Brad and Heather Doherty about their organization, Happy Trailers. More information is available at


Image Service or "Serve Us"






Image Soul Detox


This series will look at what is necessary to produce either a peaceful soul or a tormented soul regardless of what is happening in the world around you. Whether you realize it or not, God says that you can have peace that surpasses all understanding to guard your hearts, your minds, and even your souls even during the craziest of circumstances. Join us as we discover how God wants us to care for our souls.




Image Virtuous Woman: Forgotten Virtues






Image Godly Fathers: Significance Over Success






Image Pure Joy: Family Worship






Image Necessary Sins


We allow certain habits to help us deal with life, but sometimes the bad habits can become part of our identity. It’s time to separate ourselves from these 'necessary' habits and recognize them for what they really are: sins. This four-week series covers lying, gossip, lust, and anger and teaches us how to replace these sin-nature habits with obedience and grace. Join us Sundays at 10:00 A.M.


Image Dear Abby






Image A Life Without Worry






Image It Is Finished!






Image Remember






Image Starting Point

2/16/2020 - 4/12/2020

Everything that exists has a starting point, including your faith. What if your questions about God could begin meaningful conversations about faith? That is what this series is all about. Our prayer is that this series will lead you to a deep and meaningful relationship with the God who created everything.


Image The Word of the Lord






Image Friends






Image Football Sunday 2020






Image Me and My Big Mouth

1/5/2020 - 1/26/2020





Image The Thrill Of Hope

12/8/2019 - 12/22/2019

If you've ever wondered why God seems to move so slowly in your life, or why He seems to be silent, the Christmas story is for you. For those who doubt, for those who feel that God has forgotten them, The Thrill of Hope series can help you see that God is always at work in the world and we can trust Him to always be right on time.

"But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship." Galatians 4:4-5 NIV

God sent Jesus to pay for your sins so that He might adopt you as a son or daughter. That's the true meaning of Christmas!

Image Turning Words Into Weapons






Image Yoked With Jesus






Image God's Faithful Few






Image Supernatural

10/13/2019 - 11/10/2019

There is a natural order and there is a supernatural order. The things we can see are from the natural. The things we cannot see are from the supernatural. The Bible says "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12 NLT



Image Family Worship: It's A Trap






Image Restoring Your Joy






Image Seek Wisdom

9/1/2019 - 10/6/2019

Wisdom is not something that we are born with--but it is something that we can acquire. The book of Proverbs compares it to a great treasure that one should search for as diligently as a miner seeks after gold.



Image Life's Too Short

8/4/2019 - 8/25/2019

Life's too short to play it safe, to work all the time, to hold grudges, and to pursue the things that God hates.



Image How To Be Rich

5/19/2019 - 6/16/2019





Image Overwhelmed Or Overflowing?






Image Anger And The Christian






Image When God Answers Prayer






Image Beginning Again





Image Carried Away





Image The Real God

2/17/2019 - 4/7/2019


Our distorted view of God is at the root of all of our problems. We've created a god in our image--one that does not look at all like the God of the Bible. These miniature gods might make us feel better in the short term, but they are powerless to deliver us from evil or to help us overcome our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. The only hope we have is to begin to see God for Who He really is. Once we begin to understand the real God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible and in His Son Jesus Christ, the real God will change the way we look at everything--our relationships, our possessions, and even our next breath.


Image The Enemy's Devices





Image I Believe In You



It is such a good feeling to know that someone is in your corner and that they believe in your ability. Just imagine if each generation could experience at least one person coaching them and cheering them on. Learn what can happen when we develop relationships that shape, share insight, and speak into each other's souls.


Image How New Life Ceases To Exist





Image God Is With Us





Image Get Up!





Image Day Of Worship





Image Killin It



There is a sin so common to humans that it is said to lead to all other sins. It promises to makes us bigger, but always ends up making us smaller. It keeps us from connecting with God and with other people. It is so hideous, that we need to learn what it is and how to kill it.


Image The Christian Conscience





Image Sacrificial Service





Image Waiting On The Lord





Image The Faith Race





Image What Drives You?

9/16/2018 - 10/28/2018




Image Enemies Of The Heart

8/5/2018 - 9/9/2018


In this series, we are going to look at the four emotional forces that often control you and force you to act in undesirable ways. These destructive forces--guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy infiltrate your life and damage your relationships. Left unchallenged, they have the power to destroy your home, your career, and your friendships.

The Bible offers practical advice on how to keep these four emotions from becoming lodged in your heart and poisoning your life. If you've ever said "I can't believe I just said that," or "I don't know why I just did that--that's not me," or "I'll never do that again," only to do that again, this series is for you.

Image It's Your Call





Image Healing Of The Heart





Image The Fear Of The Lord





Image Summer Blockbusters 2018





Image What Would Jesus Undo?

6/3/2018 - 7/1/2018


In Jesus' time on Earth, He wasn't really interested in outward behavior. He cared more about what was in a person's heart. So He challenged folks whose faith was lukewarm or hypocritical. He also spent a great deal of His time bringing hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship looks like.

In this series, we will discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can have a deep and meaningful relationship with Him. There are roadblocks to an authentic faith in Christ that Jesus wants to remove from our lives so that we can what He describes as "the abundant life."

Image The Love Of God



Image Where'd You Get That Idea?



Image Changing The World One Woman At A Time



Image Signs Of Spiritual Maturity



Image Come To The Table

4/8/2018 - 5/6/2018


"Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:35 NIV

When we come to worship, we join our lives together in a cause that lasts for eternity. We receive samples of the Savior from the Word of God, and then our Savior instructs us to share those samples with others. In this series, we are going to talk about what the church is supposed to be and do.

Image The Bad Boys Of Easter

3/18/2018 - 4/1/2018


These three men encountered Jesus in the Easter story, but all three men refused to surrender to His Lordship. Each man had big plans for his life. What each man discovered was that when you reject God's plan for something or someone else, you end up losing whatever it is that you so desperately want to preserve. In this series we will consider how we can avoid making the same mistakes that these men made.

Image Follow

1/7/2018 - 3/11/2018


Religion says, "Change and you can join us." Jesus says, "Join us and you will change." There's a huge difference. Jesus doesn't expect people to be perfect. He just wants them to follow him. Being a sinner doesn't disqualify anyone. Being an unbeliever doesn't disqualify anyone. In fact, following almost always begins with a sinner and unbeliever taking one small step.

Image By The Power Of Your Testimony



Casey Fitzgerald shares the story of David Wood.

Image Football Sunday 2018



Hear Carson Wentz, Drew Brees, Demario Davis, and other professional football players discuss their relationship with Jesus Christ. "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?" Mark 8:36 NASB. These men have discovered that nothing is more important than one's soul and that life is lived to the fullest by following Jesus.

Image Another Side Of Christmas

12/10/2017 - 12/31/2017


Image In The Meantime

10/15/2017 - 12/3/2017

The Bible tells us that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and everything was good. In fact, it was perfect until sin entered the world and things fell apart. The Bible tells us at the end of time, Jesus will return and God will make all things perfect again. What do we do in the meantime? This series will answer the question: what do you do when there is nothing you can do to change the situation?

Image They Had Been With Jesus



Image Restoring Your Spiritual Life



Image How To Kill Your Spiritual Life



Image This Is What We Do

8/13/2017 - 9/17/2017


Image Summer Blockbusters

6/25/2017 - 8/6/2017


Image Potter's House



Image Vision Test



Image The Law Of Sowing And Reaping



Image Address The Mess

4/23/2017 - 5/21/2017


Many people believe that the Christian life is about avoiding messes and staying out of trouble. But if you study the life of Jesus, you will find that He went out of His way to get right in the middle of messy people's lives. As it turns out, your messes and the messy people you meet along the way might be your greatest opportunity to become more like Jesus. Following Jesus isn't about avoiding something; it's about becoming something. Join us as we learn to address all the messes that life brings our way.

Image Who Needs God

3/12/2017 - 4/16/2017


It seems that more and more people are turning their backs on the church. Why? Many people believe that instead of solving the problems of humanity, religion actually is the problem. What if the god that many people are walking away from isn't the God of Christianity in the first place? It's time to set the record straight and get a clear picture of this God who has revealed Himself through Jesus Christ.

Image The Legend of Joe Jacobson

2/19/2017 - 3/5/2017


When things are good, we tend to forget about God. When things are bad, we question whether God is good or even if He cares. If anyone ever had a reason to give up on God, it was Joseph, Jacob's son. He was abandoned by his brothers, thrown in a well, sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape, and sent to prison. But in the face of incredible odds, Joseph believed that God was with him and acted accordingly. In this series, we will learn that if we act as if God is with us (because He is with us!), we will begin to see God in the midst of both the good and bad circumstance that come our way.

Image It's Not All About You




1/15/2017 - 1/29/2017


Traditionally, the new year is all about what we can do to make ourselves better people. The result is that churches, health clubs, debt counselors, and vitamin shops do a booming business. But we tend to forget that the people we respect the most didn’t devote their lives to becoming the best versions of themselves. They devoted their lives to making a difference in the world . . . or in someone’s world.

Image Light Of The World

12/4/2016 - 1/1/2017


Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but not for the reasons most people associate with this particular holiday. The Christmas story was complicated. Most of us can relate to life being difficult--especially at Christmas time. What most of us fail to realize is that Jesus came as the Light of the World to overcome the darkness of anger, shame and disappointment. Join us as we gain deeper insight into the birth of the Savior.

Image Making Change

10/23/2016 - 11/27/2016


People get funny when you talk about money. But ignoring the path you are on financially doesn't make much sense. Wise people look at the direction of their finances regularly to see if they need to make any mid-course corrections. Investing in a brighter tomorrow starts by Making Change today. In this series we will look at biblical truths about finances and how to find freedom in a debt-saturated world.

Image Destinations

9/18/2016 - 10/16/2016


If you've ever ended up in a place you never wanted to be, you understand the principle of the path. This principle simply states that you will end up wherever the path you are on leads. To get where you want to go, you must choose the right path because direction--not our good intentions--determines our destinations. In this series, we will discover that God will show you the correct path to take if you will trust in Him.

Image Yes/No

8/28/2016 - 9/11/2016

Too often, we would rather ride the fence than let people know exactly where we stand. But in this series based on Matthew 5:37, we will learn the appropriate times to use these words and how how to back them up with our actions. Jesus used these words at the right times and for the right reasons. If we learn to do the same, our lives can have extraordinary focus and purpose.


Image Summer Blockbusters

7/10/2016 - 8/14/2016


Each summer we spend some time looking at clips from popular movies and our pastor creates a message based upon the themes from the movies. This is a great time to invite non-church folks to visit and check out NLCC.

Image Dave Starkey and Michael Bratz



Image Twisting The Truth


It is very common these days for people to twist God's truth in order to make it say what they want it to say. Each time a person believes a twisted truth, it has the potential to destroy relationships, cloud your decisions, and distort your view of God. This series will help us recognize twisted truths and overcome them with the help of God's Word and God's Holy Spirit.

Image What's In You?



Image Happy Mother's Day



Image Losing Your Religion



Most people believe there is a higher power out there somewhere. Since the beginning of time, men and women have established elaborate rituals and traditions in an effort to bridge the gap between the seen and the unseen; between the natural and the supernatural. Each of these systems provided formulas for communicating with and securing the blessings of a particular deity. But none of them provided the one thing that humans desired most--assurance.

But with the birth of Christianity, all of that changed. Join us for this new series to learn how Jesus' message serves as the fulfillment of religion.

Image Right In The Eye

2/14/2016 - 3/27/2016


"It's my life. I can do what I want, when I want, with whom I want." That mindset didn't work for ancient Israel. It isn't working in America today. In this series we will look at the book of Judges to see where the Israelites ended up by following this line of thinking. And if we will pay attention to God's Word, we can avoid making the same types of mistakes that God's people did in the Old Testament

Image Jesus and We

1/10/2016 - 1/31/2016


Many times people talk about Jesus and me. That is good because a personal relationship with Jesus is the only way to get to heaven. But you alone are not the body of Christ. We (Christians) are the body of Christ. And we can do infinitely more together than we can do apart. We the church will be faith-filled, big-thinking, bet the farm risk takers for the glory of God. In this four week series, we will look at some core beliefs upon which New Life is built.

Image Michael Jr



Image Come To Worship



Everything changed the moment Jesus was born. It is the only time in history that God became flesh. When Jesus invaded our world, He offered to forgive us of our sins and adopt us into His family. When we grasp how far He came and the cost of the gift He offered, we can’t help but Come to Worship. In this four-week series, we will discover different ways to worship God: lifting your hands, bringing your gifts, pouring out your heart, and bowing before Him.

Image Transformed

10/4/2015 - 11/22/2015


The world is shouting for our attention with answers to our relationship struggles, solutions to our financial trouble, and explanations to our search for meaning. But the world's promises leave us empty and searching for more. God's Word is the only answer that promises to TRANSFORM every area of our lives from the inside out.

Image Forgiveness



Image The Truth Is Out There



Image Elisha

8/23/2015 - 9/13/2015


Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits can change the world. The story of Elisha will challenge people to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It's time we start taking risks and making decisions the world doesn’t understand. Come see what life can look like when we let go…when we decide to have Ridiculous Faith.

Image Summer Blockbusters

7/5/2015 - 8/16/2015



Image God Never Said That

6/7/2015 - 6/28/2015

Too often we hear advise that sounds nice, but it has no Scriptural foundation.  In a nation that is increasingly biblically illiterate, it is imperative that Christ-followers know what is and is not in the Bible.  This four-week series tackles common myths about God, like “God wants you happy” or “God never gives you more than you can handle,” and how those myths keep us from having a deeper relationship with Him.

Image Is America Still Blessed?



Image The Will of God



Image How To Be On Mother's Day (And Every Other Day)



Image Fully Devoted

4/12/2015 - 5/3/2015

The spiritual life can be compared to a journey.  You are either moving toward spiritual maturity, or you are moving toward a hardened heart.  It is impossible to be in neutral.  In this series, we will look at what it takes to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus.  We will find out that it is possible to discover where you are on your journey, and what it will take to move closer to Christ.

Image The Counselor

3/15/2015 - 4/5/2015

Many times people would come to Jesus with a need.  Instead of immediately meeting that need, Jesus would often ask them probing questions that would force them to decide what they really believe.  Questions like: "Why are you so afraid," "Do you believe I can do this," "Do you want to get well," and "Why do you doubt?"  People think they need answers, but what they really need is a Counselor.


Image The Truth About U

1/18/2015 - 1/25/2015

There's a reason that self-assessments and reality shows are so popular today. There is something exciting about learning the truth about ourselves, even when the truth is hard. In this series we'll look at how some of Jesus' deepest teaching came from real-life everyday moments to discover the truth about ourselves.


Image Follow The Leader




Image Winning The Game

1/4/2015 - 1/11/2015



Image Stories Of New Life




Image Fear Not

12/7/2014 - 12/21/2014



Image A Life Of Thanksgiving




Image Breathing Room




Image Freeway

9/28/2014 - 11/9/2014



Image What Difference Does Grace Make?




Image The Me I Want To Be




Image Amazing Grace




Image From This Day Forward

8/3/2014 - 8/31/2014



Image Summer Blockbusters

6/29/2014 - 7/27/2014


Image Let It Go




Image Slow Down And Breathe




Image Summer




Image Enduring Through Difficulties




Image Destinations

5/18/2014 - 5/25/2014



Image What Moms Need




Image Too Legit To Quit

4/27/2014 - 5/4/2014



Image There Must Be A Reason




Image Why Did Jesus...

3/30/2014 - 4/20/2014



Image John 21




Image Small Things Big Difference

2/16/2014 - 3/16/14



Image Soul Detox

1/19/2014 - 2/9/2014



Image First

1/05/2014 -1/12/2014



Image The Perfect Gift




Image Crazy Christmas

12/1/2013 - 12/22/2013



Image It's About Time




Image The Roots of Bitterness



Image Changes


John Kolander shares his testimony about the changes he's made in his life.

Image Come


Joe Mattson encourages us to "Get Your Feet Wet."  This sermon is inspired by John Ortbert's book If You Want To Get Out Of The Boat as well as Matthew 14.

Image Why



Image Designed By God

9/1/2013 - 10/27/2013

Did you know that you are a master piece designed by God? Every believer was custom-made by God to play a strategic role in the church. That means that the church needs you to do what God designed you to do to build up His kingdom. In this series, we want to help every Christ-follower to discover three things:

1) Your spiritual gift(s) (What you are equipped by God to do)
2) Your style of serving (How you can best serve in the church)
3) Your passion for serving (Where you can best serve in the church)

Paul described the church as the body of Christ. This series will help you understand where you fit in the body.

Image Love Your Neighbor

8/4/2013 - 8/25/2013

Image Haiti Re-cap


Image Summer Blockbusters

6/30/2013 - 7/28/2013


Image Authority Issues

6/2/2013 - 6/23/2013

I don’t want anyone telling me what to do.I want to be in control. I want to call the shots.I want to be the ultimate authority in my life. But what happens when my authority bumps into your authority? Or an even better question: what happens when my authority bumps into God’s authority? In this series we will discover what the best-selling book of all time has to say about being under authority.

Image Serving God In A Difficult Context



Image Born Again


Being "Born Again" has been twisted into meaning several things.  We will show you what the Bible says about becoming a new person and point out some things you might have missed the first time around.

Image In His Hands

4/28/2013 - 5/12/2013

Image iMarriage

4/7/2013 - 4/21/2013

Before marriage, we all had an idea what our married lives would look like.  But what do you do when your expectations and reality collide?  You've got several options at that point, but there is only one option that honors God and your spouse.  We must learn to transform our expectations and look to God if we are to experience marriage as God intended.

Image Fully Devoted

3/17/2013 - 3/31/2013

When someone asks you "How is your spiritual life going?" what comes to  mind?  How do you define spirituality?  How do you define spiritual  growth?  The Bible is very clear on the subject."Whoever claims to  live in Him must walk as Jesus did" (1 John 2:6).  In this series we  will look at the mile markers on the journey to spiritual health which  will result in spiritual growth.  Where are you on the journey?

Image Rise

3/3/2013 - 3/10/2013



Image Choosing To Live Wisely

2/10/2013 - 2/24/2013


Image Lost

1/6/2013 - 2/3/2013

There are times that all of us have gotten lost.  It is possible to get lost in just about any area of our lives: physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and even financially.  None of us intended to get lost, but for a variety of reasons we are not where we meant to be at this point in our lives.  In this new series, we will look at what God has to say about being lost financially.  And you just might be surprised.  The good news is that God has given us clear directions to guide the way.

Image Blessed Are Those




Image Carols

12/2/2012 - 12/24/2012


Image Deep and Wide

11/11/2012 - 11/25/2012


Image Politicked!

10/21/2012 - 11/4/2012


Image One Month To Live

9/16/2012 - 10/14/2012


Image Phillipians 2



Image Development Of A Servant



Image Will You Marry Me?



Image Discovering God's Will

8/5/2012 - 8/26/2012



Image It's Your Call




Image Gospel Clarity




Image Summer Blockbusters

6/10/2012 - 7/29/2012



Image Remember




Image not a fan

5/20/2012 and 6/03/2012



Image Sweet Mamas




Image Marriage For Dummies

3/25/2012 - 5/6/2012


Image Prodigal Perspectives

2/19/2012 - 3/04/2012


Image What's In You?



Image Firsts



Image Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

1/8/2012 - 2/12/2012


Image X-Mas Games

12/4/2011 - 12/24/2011


Image Twisting the Truth

10/23/2011 - 11/27/2011


Image Appetites



Image Better Together

8/7/2011 - 10/9/2011


Image The Other Side



Image Summer Blockbusters

6/5/2011 - 7/31/2011


Image Risky Business



Image John 5



Image Red Letter Day

4/3/2011 - 5/1/2011


Image Building a Great Life

3/13/2011 - 3/27/2011


Image The Power of Sex

2/13/2011 - 3/6/2011

Image Get A Grip

1/2/2011 - 1/30/2011

Image in His hands

12/5/2010 - 12/24/2010

Image Counterfeit

11/7/2010 - 11/28/2010

Image Louder Than Words

9/26/2010 - 10/31/2010

When it comes to the church, the number one issue for non-Christians is actions speak louder than words.  It does not matter what we say we believe if our actions are not completely consistent with our words.  This series takes a journey through the pages of the Bible to find folks who live what they say they believe.

Image Church The Way It Should Be

8/8/2010 - 9/19/2010

If you want to hear some interesting comments, spend some time in the next week asking people whether they go to church or not. If they don’t go, ask them why. I’m willing to bet that every reason they give for not going to church is something that I don’t like about church as well. Every church in existence has to fight constantly to keep the focus of the church where it needs to be. And if you want to know what church is supposed to be like, go back to the very first Christian church established on the planet. It is described in the book of Acts. The focus of this series is to be the church that God wants us to be.

Image Yes/No

7/25/2010 - 8/1/2010

We are the sum total of the things to which we say "yes" or "no." To live a life of purpose and meaning, I must learn to say "yes" to the things of God.

Image Summer Blockbusters

6/13/2010 - 7/18/2010

In this series we are going to look at popular movies and attempt to determine if the message that Hollywood is sending is legitimate. And the caution that I have for you from the beginning is this: popular opinion isn’t the best guide to living your life.

Image Christianity 101

5/23/2010 - 6/6/2010

There are some foundational truths that distinguish Christianity from other world religions.  This series of messages considers the Big 3 of Christianity.

Image Doors

3/28/2010 - 5/9/2010

A door is a means of approach, admittance, or access that allows us to move from one environment to another.  Every day we face choices about which doors to open and which doors to close.  In this series, we will see that our choices have serious consequences.  Which door will you choose--the one that leads toward God, or the one that leads toward destruction?

Image Stories of New Life


God has done so much in and through New Life over the last eight years. This message looks at some of those stories and how we intend to continue to reach out to people who are far from God.

Image Big Mo

3/14/2010 - 3/21/2010

Search the Scriptures and you will see that life is a series of ups and downs. Since even Jesus faced high and low times in His life, we need to learn from Him how to be faithful no matter what circumstances we face.

Image Only God


Image Building a Great Life

1/10/2010 - 2/28/2010

Most people aren't really living, they are existing.  But when Jesus said that He came to give us an abundant life, surely He had in mind something more than surviving from day to day.  In this series we will look at what the Bible says is required for people to thrive rather than merely survive. 

Image Winning the Game


People can be unbelievably frustrating at times because very few people seem to know the rules of life.  This message considers what rules are required to be a winner in life.

Service Times

10:00AM Morning Worship
5:00PM Small Groups

6:00-8:00 PM Celebrate Recovery

6:00-8:00 PM Women's Bible Study
6:00-8:00 PM Men's Bible Study

6:00-8:00 PM Unbroken Student Ministries
6:00-8:00 PM Rise-Up Preteen Small Group