Compassion in Jesus's Name

The purpose of New Life’s Celebrate Recovery is to fellowship and to celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the 8 recovery principles found in the Be-attitudes and the Christ-centered 12 steps. The experience allows us to be changed. We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our life problems.

By working the Christ-centered steps and applying their biblical principles found in the Beatitudes, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.

As we progress through the principles and the steps, we discover our personal, loving, and forgiving Higher Power – Jesus Christ.

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For more information about Celebrate Recovery, contact Jeff Gillis at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 903-391-7830.


Service Times

10:00AM Morning Worship
5:00PM Small Groups

6:00-8:00 PM Celebrate Recovery

6:00-8:00 PM Women's Bible Study
6:00-8:00 PM Men's Bible Study

6:00-8:00 PM Unbroken Student Ministries
6:00-8:00 PM Rise-Up Preteen Small Group