Praying Pelican Missions

Compassion in Jesus's Name

Louder Than Words: Detour

Date: 9/26/2010
Duration: 34:48

If you were driving down the road and saw two signs--one said "Detour" and the other said "take your normal route" which one would you choose?  If we could avoid hassles in our lives, most of us would choose the hassle-free, detour-free roads in life.  But it seems that God works almost exclusively in the middle of detours.  Would you throw caution to the wind if you knew you would encounter the God of the universe on the detours?






Service Times

10:00AM Morning Worship
5:00PM Small Groups

6:00-8:00 PM Celebrate Recovery

6:00-8:00 PM Women's Bible Study
6:00-8:00 PM Men's Bible Study

6:00-8:00 PM Unbroken Student Ministries
6:00-8:00 PM Rise-Up Preteen Small Group